Если ни статистика, ни теория ничего не могут толком ни сказать, ни объяснить относительно того, куда поплывут в ближайшее время котировки ценных бумаг
...at Vanguard recently studied equities’ returns going back to 1926, looking specifically at the predictive power of important variables., то чему путному могут научить и кого воспитать игры в такие игрушки? Скорее всего, очередных квеки адоболи и мэтью мартома?
Those include market price-to-earnings ratios, growth in gross domestic product and corporate profits, consensus forecasts for gross domestic product and earnings growth, past stock market returns, dividend yields, interest rates on 10-year Treasury securities, and government debt as a percentage of G.D.P.Their conclusion was that none of these factors — which investors often cite when explaining their moves — come remotely close to forecasting accurately how stocks will perform in the coming year. “One-year forecasts of the market are practically meaningless,”...